This Gem Remedy resonates with the Heart Chakra and is charged with rose quartz crystals. The Heart Chakra is the main energetic gateway to the flow of all life. If this chakra is damaged and closed due to relationship hurts, then energy may flow from the crown or the base to the heart, but here it stops, or its flow is limited. Since the Heart Chakra is the centre of balance for all life, the spiritual, cosmic dimensions may not be accessed, and this then impacts on the flow and harmony in all aspects of the life of the person.
A Heart Chakra damaged or armoured through relationship hurts and pain stops the flow of unconditional love to life. This may show itself through fluctuant emotional flow, demands to fulfil personal needs, and the withdrawal of affection if these needs are not met, as well as the inability to give affection. The inability to love life is a result of fear from these many past experiences and is a symptom of a damaged Heart Chakra.
Gem Remedy 4 begins to heal the damage of the Chakra by gently dissolving the armouring or by repairing the broken chakra as a result of the hurts experienced through relationships. As the Heart Chakra begins the heal, it will begin to accept and receive cosmic energy and this energy will flow, feed and nurture the whole being with the energy of unconditional love. As this begins to happen the opening and flowing Heart Chakra is demonstrated by an increasing inner peace and harmony, the ability to love unconditionally. An increasing serenity will be sensed in the person whatever experiences they find in life. This is because of a sustained spiritual energy flow. This sustained and ever-increasing flow will allow the person to begin to experience love in all of its aspects once more.
Carrying a Rose Heart of Light will accelerate the healing to a Heart Chakra when used with Gem Remedy 4. Many Sunflower products may assist with this healing including Release, Peace, Hope, or Ascension creams and the Shock range of products.
Directions for Use
- Up to four Gem Remedies may be used in conjunction with each other.
- Four drops of any Gem Remedy may be added to 15mls of spring water and taken orally a minimum of four times daily. The 15mls of diluted remedy may be added to the bath.
- Crystal Light Gem Remedies may be combined individually with up to four Bach Flower Remedies or four Gem Remedy with up to one Bach Flower Remedy, or any combination of the above, but not to exceed five remedies in total. Four drops of each remedy may be added to 15mls of spring water.
- It is respectfully suggested that the healing properties of Gem Remedies are given priority in use as in most cases the cleansing of the chakras that these remedies relate to are more appropriate to begin effective healing.
- Crystal Light Gem Remedies are a method of pure vibrational healing to release energy blocks in the body and auric field. They vibrate in harmony with chakras assisting each vortex of energy to flow in harmony, thus enhancing its function. They align the chakra to its purpose and coordinate its actions in relation to all other chakras, so all flow in a balanced and energy-enhancing manner.
- Crystal Light Gem Remedies address the emotional and spiritual pain which causes certain behaviours in people. When this energy begins to be healed and the chakra aligns to its fuller potential and flow, then the physical, emotional and psychological symptoms associated with the ill health and function of the chakra begin to release, heal and become subdued or disappear.
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