There are many types of tiredness – all are interrelated and all require to be addressed. This Gem Healer works in a subtle manner taking into account the feelings that tiredness may generate. This Gem Healer would be beneficial to use at times of particularly hard work, be it physical, emotional or mental, as this results in the energy being drained. For example, a care worker caring for many clients each with many difficulties, or a teacher with a large class, or a medic working in a very busy department, all would benefit from this Healer. This Gem Healer could also be used prophylactically before the energy is drained from the body. Tiredness may be a legacy from a severe and prolonged illness, and this Gem Healer will help to balance and replenish the physical and energy bodies.
Rest times planned into the day, prioritising tasks will allow the body and energy to recuperate and the Gem Healer to work more effectively. Eating a healthy diet and receiving quality sleep all improve the speed of efficacy of action of this Gem Healer. Using protective techniques, such as the Emerald Alignment will assist in preventing personal energy from being drained. Life cream will restore balance and flow to the energy and Rejuvenate cream will immediately uplift. The carrying of a ruby or emerald crystal during the day will enhance physical energy, and sleeping with a celestite near the bed will also be beneficial.
Directions for Use
- Add 4 drops of the Crystal Light Gem Healer to 30mls of spring water and take orally 4 times daily.
- The diluted tincture may be added to the bath, applied to the skin, or into the energy field.
- Place the drops to the palms of the hands and rub them together, then place into the energy field up to 24″ away from the body.
- If a ruby or emerald crystal is used in conjunction with this Gem Healer, then it must first be cleansed and attuned to the energy of the person for whom it is purchased. A simple and effective way to do this is to place the purchased crystal into water for a minimum of 3 hours and then hold the crystal in the palm of the right hand. It is important to cleanse the crystal daily if carrying one by running it under cold water. Once the crystal is attuned to the person it is assisting in healing, there is no further need to hold it in the palm for 5 mins before use.
- Crystal Light Gem Healers may be combined with up to 4 other remedies, such as Crystal Light Gem Remedies, Bach Flower Remedies, or other Crystal Light Gem Healers in the range, as per instructions.
- Crystal Light Gem Healers may be used in conjunction with Sunflower Apothcary creams and oils.
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