This Gem Healer facilitates the person to pass through the stages of the grieving process. It should be taken as soon as possible after a loss when the shock of grief is experienced. This Healer does not provide a quick fix for the feelings associated with grief but allows the person to fully come to terms with the cause of the grief, giving acceptance to the experience and then allowing the belief that life will continue, be hopeful and be joyful to enter the conscious awareness. This process may take as little as 3 weeks, or as long as 6 months. In cases of previous unprocessed grief experiences, the process may be considerably longer.
If a loss is expected, then the Gem Healer may be used prophylactically to strengthen the energy flow and release any held grief within the person. This will allow the grieving process to be easier and less painful than otherwise may have been when it does occur. Even if a loss is expected the energy of shock still affects the body and energy systems leading to disruption of the flow of energy feeding the physical body.
Speaking about feelings that are experienced facilitates their release and the carrying of these 3 crystals together – malachite, herkimer diamond and spache tear, will help to heal current and past grief. The three crystals work together synergistically helping the person to pass through the grieving process. Shock aura spray, cream or oil, used in conjunction with this Gem Healer will empower the healing action of Grief Gem Healer.
Directions for Use
- Add 4 drops of the Crystal Light Gem Healer to 30mls of spring water and take orally 4 times daily.
- The diluted tincture may be added to the bath, applied to the skin, or into the energy field.
- Place the drops to the palms of the hands and rub them together, then place into the energy field up to 24″ away from the body.
- If crystals are wished to be used in conjunction with this Gem Healer, then they must first be cleansed and attuned to the energy of the person for whom it is purchased. A simple and effective way to do this is to place the purchased crystals into water for a minimum of 3 hours and then hold the crystals in the palm of the right hand. It is important to cleanse the crystal daily if carrying them by running them under cold water. Once the crystals are attuned to the person, there is no further need to hold them in the palm for 5 mins before use.
- Crystal Light Gem Healers may be combined with up to 4 other remedies, such as Crystal Light Gem Remedies, Bach Flower Remedies, or other Crystal Light Gem Healers in the range, as per instructions
- Crystal Light Gem Healers may be used in conjunction with Sunflower Apothcary creams and oils.
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