Regular topical use and oral administration of the Arthritis Gem Healer provide help to painful and stiff joints.
This Gem Healer allows energy to flow more peacefully and helps to heal the stop/start energy fluctuations which often result in frustrations, heightened emotions, and resistance to moving forward in life. To bring balance to this deep-seated energy disruption it is important to take this Gem Healer regularly. It may be administered orally or topically on the affected joint or in the energy just above the joint. By combining oral and topical routes of administration this Gem Healer allows the body and energy systems to be addressed fully and more rapidly.
An acute injury to a joint or a flare-up of activity in an arthritic joint will be helped by using the Gem Healer both orally and topically and may result in the flare-up or injury recovering more rapidly as energy flow is balanced. As well as joint problems, this Gem Healer will help with rheumatic discomforts, back pain, and pulled muscles before the energy blocks thicken and precipitate further into the physical joints.
Other Sunflower products such as Relief, Peace, or Ascension cream or oil will assist in symptom management and healing, as well as appropriate exercise, diet, rest, and body weight control for weight-bearing joints.
The carrying of a Citrine crystal or placing the Citrine onto the joint for 10 minutes daily will provide added strength to the ongoing healing.
Directions for Use
- Add 4 drops of the Crystal Light Gem Healer to 30mls of spring water and take orally 4 times daily.
- To use the Gem Healer topically, place 2 – 3 drops on the palms of the hands. Gently rub the palms together and then hold them above the affected joints about 5cm above the body for a few moments. before placings the palms onto the joint itself. This may be repeated 2 hourly if needed.
- If a Citrine crystal is wished to be used in conjunction with this Gem Healer, then it must first be cleansed and attuned to the energy of the person for whom it is purchased. A simple and effective way to do this is to place the purchased crystal into water for a minimum of 3 hours and then hold the crystal in the palm of the right hand. It is important to cleanse the crystal daily if carrying it by running it under cold water. If the Citrine is placed on a joint, then after 10 minutes it should be removed and placed in water for 3 hours. Once the crystal is attuned to the person it is assisting in healing, there is no further need to hold in the palm for 5 mins before using the Citrine again.
- Crystal Light Gem Healers may be combined with up to 4 other remedies, such as Crystal Light Gem Remedies, Bach Flower Remedies, or other Crystal Light Gem Healers in the range, as per instructions.
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