Aura Spray

Lavender Aura Spray

The Lavender Aura Spray is very safe and may be used by anyone including children and animals, to bring instant changes to the energy field.

The Spray may be used as an aid to promote sleep using as directed below or by misting above the pillows.

For minor abrasions, cuts and burns the Lavender Aura Spray used as a first aid measure will sooth the injury and act as an antiseptic.

Using the Spray will help release negative and cluttered thoughts, allowing space for clear thinking and a peaceful mind.

To bring balance and alignment to a room, spray two or three times. Use in offices, sick rooms, living areas and many more, to leave the beautiful scent of Lavender within the room.

£14.50Add to cart

Aura Spray

Shock Aura Spray

A very safe spray that may be used by all including children, pets and plants.

It should be used when a shock of any kind has been experienced, such as a physical injury, surgery, emotional or psychological upset, receiving unpleasant news or spiritual distress.

Shock spray aids the release of the shock as it presents in the energy field, promotes a smoothness and peace, then assists in the realignment of the energy field.

Shock spray may be sprayed into a room where a shock has been experienced. releasing that energy from the physical space and enhancing the energy therein.

Plants may be sprayed before and after transplantation, when cuttings are taken or the plants are to be pruned.

£14.50Add to cart

  • Shake well before use.
  • Spray twice into the space before you and walk into the mist.
  • For external use only.
  • Avoid contact with polished surfaces.
  • Store in a cool, dark place.

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Directions for use