This Gem Healer helps in the cleaning of all body systems, energy fields and channels of energy flow to enable harmonious and balanced flow throughout all. This allows a gradual change in that which the person is willing to alter. Taking this Gem Healer over several months results in a subtle change in life, health and lifestyle. The effects are gentle and not traumatising.
Purification Gem Healer is particularly useful at times of change in the years’ cycle, for example, New Year, birthday, or religious holy days as these are times of change and changes undertaken during these periods are facilitated with greater cosmic energies that flow during these times. If this Gem Healer is to be used at times of change, then beginning to use it 2 – 3 weeks before the event (eg birthday) and continuing for 2 months after will help smooth any transitions from one behaviour to another.
Using Release and Life cream or oil with this Gem Healer, when a conscious change is undertaken, will augment its action whilst allowing change to happen even more smoothly and will encourage a willingness to experience and feel things that there was a resistance or fear to feel and understand. Fear and resistance often limit a person’s ability to change. Carrying a kyanite crystal daily will also help in the conscious approach to any change and will align and maintain the alignment of the body with its energies and flow.
Directions for Use
- Add 4 drops of the Crystal Light Gem Healer to 30mls of spring water and take orally 4 times daily.
- The diluted tincture may be added to the bath, applied to the skin, or into the energy field.
- Place the drops to the palms of the hands and rub them together, then place into the energy field up to 24″ away from the body.
- If a kyanite crystal is wished to be used in conjunction with this Gem Healer, then it must first be cleansed and attuned to the energy of the person for whom it is purchased. A simple and effective way to do this is to place the purchased crystals into water for a minimum of 3 hours and then hold the crystals in the palm of the right hand. It is important to cleanse the crystal daily if carrying one by running them under cold water. Once the crystals are attuned to the person it is assisting in healing, there is no further need to hold in the palm for 5 mins before use.
- Crystal Light Gem Healers may be combined with up to 4 other remedies, such as Crystal Light Gem Remedies, Bach Flower Remedies, or other Crystal Light Gem Healers in the range, as per instructions
- Crystal Light Gem Healers may be used in conjunction with Sunflower Apothcary creams and oils.
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