Relief brings a lightening to areas of physical pain and discomfort, promoting healing at the physical level and the auric field. Relief allows the flow of physical energy to be more balanced, releasing the blocks and negativity causing the pain and allowing positive energy to flow more freely. Relief products may be used for localised or generalised pain such as a painful joint, or widespread muscular-skeletal discomfort and pain.
Although its primary action is physical, Relief does have a profoundly positive effect on the emotions, as physical energy is lightened and pain diminished, then emotional well-being is strengthened and emotional health improves.
- Benzoin
- German Chamomile
- Lavender
- Lemon
Instructions for use:
For widespread pain, a gentle massage (add to suitable carrier oil) may be useful. For localised pain frequent topical application of the cream or oil may be required to begin to lighten the energy and relieve discomforts and pain. Diffusion of a few drops of oil will allow the vibration of Relief to be present in a room and for sustained healing to continue.
- The Sunflower Apothecary products should not be taken internally.
- Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.
- Sunflower Apothecary products should not be self-administered by pregnant women during the first sixteen weeks of pregnancy. Thereafter, we recommend the use of PEACE ONLY.
- Store Sunflower Apothecary products in a cool, dark place.
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