Rejuvenate products work especially well in the physical energy band and enable a more rapid physical healing following surgery or an accident. Rejuvenate is especially useful during or following a long illness filling the physical energy with robustness and positive energy flow. For conditions such as post-viral fatigue or long covid, regular use of Rejuvenate with Life products will assist in feelings of physical strength and well-being.
After a busy day when much physical energy has been spent and more is required from the person, the use of Rejuvenate will help the person through this demanding time. When the demands are over, replenishing the physical energy through appropriate exercise, diet, sleep, and meditation, as well as the use of Rejuvenate products, will insure against the depletion of energy in future times of physical stress.
- Benzoin
- Cinnamon
- Juniper
- Tangerine
Instructions for use:
To use Rejuvenate cream place a little to the palms of the hands and hold them together for a moment. Inhale the aroma of Rejuvenate from the hands and then place the hands about 5 cm above the crown of the head and move the hands down the body following the outline of the body as far as is possible, and then imagine the flow of the Rejuvenate all the way to the feet. Place a finger of one hand to the palm of the other and then run the finger from the hairline to the top of the nose, and then from the right temple to the left temple avoiding the eyes. This will give an immediate lift to physically tired energy.
Bathing and massaging with Rejuvenate oil (added to a suitable carrier oil) will replenish the physical energy band.
It is advisable not to use Rejuvenate products just before retiring to sleep as this may result in poor sleep and encourage vivid dreaming which may result in tiredness in the morning.
Please Note:
- The Sunflower Apothecary products should not be taken internally.
- Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.
- Sunflower Apothecary products should not be self-administered by pregnant women during the first sixteen weeks of pregnancy. Thereafter, we recommend the use of PEACE ONLY.
- Store Sunflower Apothecary products in a cool, dark place.
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